Pro-Palestinian protesters seen climbing up the on the White house fence as they throw objects at the Secret Service.

In a rapidly escalating situation, the ongoing Pro-Palestinian demonstration outside the White House has intensified as a group of protesters has resorted to climbing the perimeter fence, defying security measures and causing disruption. The crowd, estimated to be in the thousands, has swelled with passionate supporters advocating for the Palestinian cause, resulting in the occupation of several key streets and notable landmarks in the Washington, DC area.

Pro-Palestinian protesters seen climbing up the on the White house fence 

The fervent energy of the gathering reached a fever pitch as the mass of demonstrators converged in front of the White House, with some individuals taking to the fence and vigorously shaking its NW entrance. Additionally, reports have confirmed the alarming sight of objects being hurled at the Secret Service, creating an atmosphere of tension and apprehension. The intensity of the situation has even led to the vandalism of nearby establishments, including the damaging of windows at a McDonald's near the White House.

The demonstration marks a poignant moment of collective outcry against the United States support for Israel, illustrating the fervor and determination of the Pro-Palestinian movement in the nation's capital. As the situation unfolds, authorities are working to de-escalate tensions and ensure the safety of the protesters and the public. Further updates on the developing events are expected to follow.

Stay tuned for more on this evolving situation. 
